The symbol of Silly Dragon Coin is $SILLY, and the total supply of $SILLY is 125,136,000.
The buy/sell fee of $SILLY is 4%, including 1% for LP reflection, 2% for burning and 1% for marketing.
The contract is strictly reviewed and tested, and the LP was locked for more than 12 months.
The $SILLY Coin was deployed on Binance Smart Chain (BSC). The contract address of $SILLY is: 0xAAFdFa264797a49B937e33BcF18296d336cfCEeA.
The $SILLY Coin was launched of PancakeSwap, and the launch time of $SILLY is 28 Dec, 2023.
The contract is safe enough. To ensure investor confidence, liquidity pool was locked for more than 12 months and the ownership will also be renounced.
The $SILLY Coin will be a crypto asset with high collectible and investment value. It has a strong and complete ecological planning, including NFTs, GameFi, DEFI, and online shop.
Silly Dragon is a Meme project on BSC network, which is briefly called "The Year of the Silly Dragon" (2024 is the Year of the Dragon).